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Approach to preparing for work + Arjuna

Your art flows incredibly well. I am just wondering what your approach is, in terms of: 1. what’s your work routine? 2. what are things you use to enhance your work? 3. how do you induce focus? Additionally, will you ever do an episode on Arjuna from The Mahabharat (please read the story about him and the birds eye, his focus may be something that interests you)

Routines vs Obsession

How do I know whether to pursue obsession a la Mr. Beast or if I should pursue a disciplined Cal Newport-style life? I have ADHD and have always bounced around from interest to interest, getting really into something, making a whole mental plan about how I'm going to get good at this thing, and making a whole 5-10-year plan and everything, only to do the same thing for something different the next week. To me, it seems like the obsessions derail my routines and don't really amount to much. It's hard to get really good at anything when you lack the consistency of routine. I feel like I'm at a crossroads, and my question is whether I should work on "hacking" my obsession as my main strategy, or whether I should instead try to build routines and systems that ensure I am consistent. Thanks, Travis

Episode Suggestion on Muhammad PBUH

Hi Ben, would you ever consider doing an episode on the life of Muhammad PBUH?

Book by Laszlo Polgar?

You have mentioned 'how to raise a genius' in your podcasts, the story of Laszlo Polgar and his chessmaster daughters. Is there a book you recommend about this? THank you!


Can you tell me a little bit about the intro to your podcast? Where is it from? Who is it? Why did you choose it?